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(1000 B.C.E - 1980 C.E.)

CONTENT: What do you see?

FORM: The details (what you see more exactly). How the artist delivers the content.

CONTEXT: Everything NOT observable.

FUNCTION: The intended purpose of the work.






Indigenous Americas

Unit Sheet:

APAH 250 Images:

(From earlier Prehistoric unit):

3.  Camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine

10. Tlatilco female figurine


153. Chavin de Huantar

         - Lanzon Stela

         - relief sculpture

         - nose ornament


155. Yaxchilan

         - Lintel 25, Structure 23

         - Structure 33


Teotihaucan - City of Teotihaucan

         - Pyramid of the Sun

         - Pyramid of the Moon

         - Temple of the Feathered Serpent


157. Templo Mayor (main temple)

         - The Coyolxauhqui Stone

         - Calendar Stone

         - Olmec-style mask
158. Motecuhzoma II - Ruler's feather    


159. City of Cusco plan

         - curved Inka wall

         - walls at Saqsa Waman

160. Maize cob
161. City of Machu Picchu

         - observatory

         - Intihuatana Stone

162. All-T'oqapu tunic

North America:


154. Mesa Verde cliff dwellings

166. Black-on-black ceramic vessel

Eastern Woodlands:
156. Great Serpent Mound

163. Bandolier Bag


165. Painted Elk Hide

Northwest Coastal:

164. Transformation Mask

Indigenous Americas

Unit Sheet:

North American Cultural Regions.jpg
North American Cultural Regions
(click to enlarge)

Major Civilizations

  • Olmec (1200-400 BCE) Mexico

  • Teotihuacan (1 BCE- 800 CE) Near Mexico City

  • Mayan (300-900 CE)Belize, Gautemala, Honduras, Yucatan

  • Nazca (200-600 CE) Coastal Peru

  • Moche (1-700 CE) Coastal Peru

  • Anasazi (550-1400 CE) American Southwest

  • Mississippian (800-1500 CE) Eastern United States

  • Aztecs (1400-1521) Central Mexico

  • Inca (1400-1521) Peru (no writing but a kept a record system, khipu)

  • NW Coast Native American (18th c- present) Pacific NW

BIG IDEA 1: Artists manipulate materials and ideas to create an aesthetic object, act, or event.                                   1. What is art and how is it made?             

                                  Materials (Environment/Geography)             

                                  Art making techniques             

                                  Why make art? (Function)

BIG IDEA 2: Art making is shaped by tradition and change.       

                          1.  Why and how does art change?             

                          2.  What features/changes of a tradition do you see?             

                          3.  Why was the art influential?

BIG IDEA 3: Interpretations of art are variable.         

                          1.  How do we describe our thinking about art?             

                                  What are the formal qualities and content of the art?             

                                  What is the context of the art? (context = differing interpretations)             

                                  What attributes of a work can we attribute to other works of art?                                                           What are the similarities and differences?

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